Image of the Blue Lutheran Cross
Image of the Trinity with Mercy, Witness, and Life Together


St. Paul's Lutheran Church (LCMS)  |  37707 New Market Turner Road; Mechanicsville, MD

Church: 301.884.5184  |  Fax: 301.884.2063

Missouri Synod

St. Paul's Lutheran Church is a part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).   The LCMS is a traditional, confessional Lutheran denomination in the United States of 2.3 million members.

German-American immigrants were the key founds of the Synod in 1847.  Click here to learn more about our early historic beginnings.


Locally, we are part of the Southeastern District which covers Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina. The SED office is located in Alexandria VA.